If you would have told me at this time last year that I would have experienced anxiety attacks...AGAIN...I would have never believed you.  I was in a great place. My family was fielding a few major opportunities. We are all healthy and happy. How could I ever fall to anxiety again?

Well that's how it happened. I was so busy juggling all my responsibilities, I failed to practice "Self-Care" . I focused intensely on the needs of those around me, never stopping to take care of myself and my building stress. After months of operating on "I gotta do everything for everyone or they won't feel loved or important," it all came crashing down on me. 

I found it nearly impossible to go out, work out, talk to others, or produce content. In an effort to please everyone by being "Super Mom," I failed to save "Super Mom" herself. 

In the video below, I open up about my battle. Giving voice to my struggle in an effort to truly be "Super;" by being honest. 

I hope it you find a bit of comfort.