Stepping Out...

blogger-image-1296034610 I found this saying on Sunny Woods' Farm Blog.  It sums up our walk of faith over the past few months. Having faith is simply trust. Trust in God. Trust in His omnipresence and omnipotent power.

I didn't know how situations would be resolved or how a few acts of obedience worked together.  However, I knew if I had faith that God was leading me then He had a plan. It was uncomfortable and some didn't understand my choices, but I had an assurance.

An assurance in God means knowing that He (the God of ALL creation) hears you, knows you, loves you, and has a plan for you. Ephesians 3:12 (NIV) states, "12 In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence."

Unlock the full potential and purpose for your life by stepping out! Step out no matter how illogical it may seem. Despite negative comments and ill will you may have coming your way from loved ones. Trust me God's will is a safe place!